Building Locally (Bluefin Example)

  1. Clone this repository and cd into the working directory

     git clone
     cd bluefin
  2. Make modifications if desired

  3. Build the image (Note that this will download and the entire image)

     podman build . -t bluefin
  4. Podman push to a registry of your choice.

  5. Rebase to your image to wherever you pushed it:

     sudo rpm-ostree rebase ostree-image-signed:docker://whatever/bluefin:latest

Justfile Overview

This Justfile defines various tasks for managing and building container images and ISOs for a development environment. Here is an overview and some important points:

Aliases and Variables:

  • project_root and git_branch variables are used to fetch the project’s root directory and the current Git branch respectively.
  • run is an alias for run-container.

Default Task:

  • _default task runs just help, which displays a help message.

Container and Image Management:

  • _container_mgr: Executes a script to manage containers.
  • _base_image image: Executes a script to set the base image.
  • _tag image target: Executes a script to tag an image with a target.

Just Syntax Checking and Fixing:

  • just-check: Checks the syntax of all .just files in the project.
  • just-fix: Fixes the syntax of all .just files in the project.

Build and Run Tasks:

  • build image="" target="" version="": Builds an image with specified parameters.
  • run-container image="" target="" version="": Runs a container with specified parameters.
  • Commented out tasks (run-booted-guest and run-booted-home) suggest options for running booted images with different configurations.

ISO Management:

  • build-iso image="" target="" version="": Creates an ISO from a local dev build image.
  • build-iso-installer-main image="" target="" version="": Creates an ISO using build-container-installer:main.
  • run-iso image="" target="" version="": Runs an ISO.
  • build-iso-ghcr image="" target="" version="": Creates an ISO from the current GHCR image.

Cleanup and Listing:

  • clean: Cleans the directory by removing ISOs and build files.
  • clean-images: Removes built images.
  • list-images: Lists built images.

Private Help Task:

  • help: Displays a help message explaining the usage of the Justfile.

Specific Build Tasks:

  • bluefin: Builds the bluefin image with base target and gts version.
  • bluefin-dx: Builds the bluefin image with dx target and gts version.
  • bluefin-iso: Builds an ISO for the bluefin image with base target and gts version.
  • bluefin-dx-iso: Builds an ISO for the bluefin image with dx target and gts version.
  • aurora: Builds the aurora image with base target and stable version.
  • aurora-dx: Builds the aurora image with dx target and stable version.
  • aurora-iso: Builds an ISO for the aurora image with base target and stable version.
  • aurora-dx-iso: Builds an ISO for the aurora image with dx target and stable version.

This Justfile is designed to streamline the process of building, running, and managing container images and ISOs in a development environment. The scripts in the scripts directory are responsible for the actual operations, while the Justfile provides an easy-to-use interface for developers.